Ensemble 2023 like any other event has been very instrumental in drilling into us important lessons of teamwork , cooperation besides enhancing our confidence and grooming talent.
Every child is unique and no child should be left behind . This philosophy of the school is the foundation for the initiation of a plethora of activities . Ensemble is one such event that has drawn every child from the cocoon and helped them to blossom out into a vibrant butterfly ready to sore into the sky.
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.
“ If I believe I cannot do something
It makes me incapable of doing it.
But when I believe I can ,
Then I acquire the ability to do it
Even if I didn’t have it in the beginning”
Ensemble -An interactive project taken by classes IV and v in which all students perform in their classroom as per the theme demonstrated which was showcased in front of parents, special guest invited on this occasion.With great pride, the concept was wholeheartedly welcomed by the parents community. a special mention to the guest of honor Shri. Amit Nagpal ji (councilor of MCD) and his team of govt. officials who all were very impressed and accolades the showcase of all the students in event.